JavaScript Functions

JavaScript Functions

The function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task. The function is executed when something invokes it (calls it).

JavaScript Function Syntax:

the JavaScript function is defined with the function keyword, followed by a Functioname, and a parenthesis ().

  • FunctionName: Function names can contain letters, digits, underscores, and a dollar sign (as in variables) but cannot begin with digits (numbers). e.g "_$myScore"

  • Parenthesis: The parenthesis contains a comma-separated parameter.

    (parameter1, parameter2, ...)

  • The code to be executed by the function is placed inside the curly brackets: {}

function FunctionName(parameter1, parameter2, ...) {
    //code to be executed.

Function Invocation

The code inside the function will execute when something calls the function:

example, when a user clicks a button.

Function return

when a JavaScript block of code reaches a return statement, the function will stop executing. the return value return back the caller.

function AddNumber(a, b) {
    //funcion return the additon of a and b
    return a * b
let x = AddNumber(4, 5);

Why Functions?

  • with functions, we can reuse code

  • You can write code that can be used multiple times

  • You can use the same code with different arguments, to produce different results.

Function Scope

Local Scope

Variable declared within a JavaScript function, become LOCAL to the function. Local variables can only be accessed from within the function.

function printNumber() {
    let x = 10;
//invoking (calling) the function


Global Scope

Variables declared Globally (outside any function) have Global Scope. it can be accessed anywhere in the JavaScript program.

let y = 20;

function printNumber() {
    //let x = 10;
    //the y variable can also be used heare
//invoking (calling) the function


Nested Function

Nested functions are functions defined within another function

function outerFunction() {
    let ourterVar = " I'm the outer function";

    function innerFunction() {
       let innerVar = " I'm the inner function";
        console.log(outerVar); //accessing outer variable
        console.log(innerVar); //accessing inner variable

    innerFunction(); //calls the innerFunction
outerFunction(); //calls the outerFunction

//I'm the outer function
//I'm the inner function

Function Hoisting

Hoisting is the JavaScript default behavior for moving declarations to the top.

A variable can be declared after it has been used.


x = 5; //assigning 5 to x
var x; //Declaring x


var x; //declaring before assigning the value ot x
x = 5; // assigning 5 to x



Function is a cornerstone for JavaScript programming, providing a powerful mechanism for restructuring code, enhancing reusability and managing the flow of a program

Thank you for reading.



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